AliExpress Waterproof Mattress Cover Review

1 month ago

AliExpress Waterproof Mattress Cover Review
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Some years ago, when on holiday in America, we stayed at a Sheriton Hotel and were impressed by the quality and size of the bed and when we discovered that Sheriton had a commercial arm selling these beds and could ship to the UK, we decided to buy. In fact, it was less expensive than we thought and even including shipping worked out cheaper than buying the nearest UK equivalent. The only problem that finding bedding for the Eastern King 193 x 203 cm (76 x 80 inch) bed over here was no easy task.

It is possible now to buy bedding from in the USA and have it shipped over here but purchasing from the Chinese mega supermarket AliExpress is even cheaper.

So it was that we bought this waterproof mattress cover from AliExpress for less than £20. Prices change on AliuExpress continually, and the same items can be found from a range of sellers at a range of prices. At the time of writing this mattress cover is available from the seller we used from £7.49 to £21.89 depending on the size of the bed, with a standard UK double costing £11.29..

Anyway, after about two weeks the mattress protector arrived, simply but adequately packaged. No paperwork of any kind was included other than the package label, a close-up of which I include in my video.

The item appears well made, quite heavy in weight, which is a good thing, and has a silk like surface coating which I would describe as water repellent rather than waterproof, but capable of handling small spills or splashes. The edge is elasticated with a stitched seam and is showing no sign of failing yet after a few weeks of use.

If you need a decent quality budget priced mattress protector, particularly if you have a non standard sized bed, then this would be a great choice.

Music: YouTube Audio Library: Dan Lebowitz - On_The_Windy_Road

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