Episode 521: The Crown of Tremontane Series by Melissa McShane

1 day ago

The Blasters & Blades Podcast

On today’s Food Cast, we had fun with Melissa McShane about our love of cross cultural foods. Then we talked about all the nerdy 80s movies before moving on to talk about her family saga known as The Crown of Tremontane. It sounded like a lot of fun and I can’t wait to listen to this one when it comes out in audiobook! This was a fun interview, so go check out this episode. Lend us your eyes and ears, you won't be sorry!!

Join us for a fun show! We're just a couple of nerdy Army veterans geeking out on things that go "abracadabra," "pew," "zoom," "boop-beep" and rhyme with Science Fiction & Fantasy.

JR Handley (Author) (Grunt)
Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt)
Madam Stabby Stab (Uber Fan) (Horror Nerd)

We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling!

Support the Show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AuthorJRHandley
Our LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/blastersandbladespodcast

Today's Sponsor
Death’s Knight by Matthew T Summers & Jena Rey: https://www.amazon.com/Deaths-Knight-War-Lich-Jena/dp/1952415047

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The Crown of Tremontane Series by Melissa McShane: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F7QPVT1

The Crown of Tremontane Boxed Set by Melissa McShane: https://www.amazon.com/Crown-Tremontane-Collection-Melissa-McShane-ebook/dp/B07NKKGX2C/

Follow Melissa McShane on social media
Melissa’s Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Melissa-McShane/author/B00TON8E1Q
Melissa’s Website: www.melissamcshanewrites.com
Melissa’s Twitter: www.twitter.com/melissamcshanewrites
Melissa’s Facebook: www.facebook.com/melissamcshanewrites
Melissa’s Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mcshaneminions
Melissa's Store: http://www.nightharborpress.com/

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