Boy Uses Funny Voice To Call For Relatives

6 years ago

Kids always have a way to make us laugh. They are always trying to entertain and usually everything they do is considered as cute! Kids love seeing smiles on the faces of family and adults, and they love hearing the laughter brought about by their actions. This is usually why kids can continuously do the same thing over and over again because they love that sense of joy they bring, and they are easily entertained. If they do something cute or funny and get a nice reaction out of it, they continuously do it over and over again. Whether it is a funny face people love, a noise, or like the young boy in this video, a funny voice.

Kids often pick up on funny voices from hearing it or watching it on television. Without realizing it, they begin to use it or it slowly becomes something they start saying. This is much like adults do - when we listen to something over and over again we start to pick it up and becomes a habit. Young kids are very impressionable so it is no surprise this little comedian is already doing voices for his family! People are constantly surprised at the things kids do and how funny they can actually be. Some kids are often much smarter than they should be at their own age. In this video we already have a young comedian in the making!

This voice must be something this young kid does often around the house since his mom is already ready to record his funny voice! She asks him to say mommy’s name in his funny voice and he is already prepared for the spotlight. He is definitely not shy of the camera! His mother is already laughing so you know he must be quite the character around home. As he says “Mommy” in his funny voice she is already laughing. The voice is a funny nasal tone and sounds kind of evil at the same time! Based on this voice, this kid might be destined to do impressions. When he does his funny voice, the young boy even does a funny face to match the voice. He scrunches up his nose and squints his eyes a little and lets out his impression.

Apparently, “Mommy” isn’t the only thing he can say with his funny voice. After a couple of times saying “Mommy”, his mother asks about daddy. The young boy excitedly says, “Daddy”, in his voice! He must have been practicing on his own! You can see on his little face that he loves all the attention he is getting from his little voice! He has a big smile on his face while his mother is laughing. What his mom asks last is: “How about grandma?” to which he replies with a sweet innocent voice. Apparently, only daddy and mommy get the funny voice. This young kid definitely has a future in comedy when he grows up. He is already showing a lot of energy and is a funny kid. This video is definitely going to have you laughing and put a big smile on your face!

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