Super Metroid:Playthrough 2

2 days ago

Alrighty now here we are with the next part to my Super Metroid gameplay and it is off to a brand new area to explore in this one and that is the Brinstar underground jungle! And one of my favorite areas in this game this place is loads of fun to play I like it, its pretty big, its filled with many secrets and the music is jam like some of the best music in the game is in this place. On the way through the place I end up fighting another mini boss this one is called Spore Spawn and the name of this boss is pretty accurate to what it does in the boss fight, it just spawns a bunch of spores on the screen which are easy to dodge this is the easiest mini boss in the game and he leads to a new weapon the super missle which will be being used to open up the green colored doors that we see here and there in the game and to serve as a stronger missle compared to the regular ones although I don't really use the super missle all that much heh.

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