Hathor Has Arrived in a UFO Egg - Chris Bledsoe's Alien Experience

5 days ago

Chris Bledsoe is the most investigated UFO experiencer by our U.S. Government. He calls down and interacts with UFO Orbs. But don't be fooled by Mr. Bledsoe. He claims to have met what he calls "The Holy Spirit." He calls her Hathor. Hathor is actually an ancient Egyptian goddess. Chris Bledsoe claims to be a Christian, but preaches another gospel.

Some Bible prophecy teachers think that the ancient "gods" will return at the end of time. Is this happening now? The most recent UFO Disclosure involved the retrieval of an alien egg at that flys. Are the ancient spirits loosed to deceive after being held back all this time?

2 Thessalonians 2:7 says, "For the mystery of iniquity is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way."

Hathor legend says that when she first came to earth she came from the moon and fell to earth into the Euphrates River. Rev. 9:14 says, "It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." Was this entity one of the once bound angels? It's funny how many are reporting that these orbs and drones are coming out of the sea. Well, we shouldn't be surprised because the Beast also comes out of the sea, but until now I thought it was just an allegory, maybe not! Revelation 13:1 "The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea."

This video shows concise proof that Chris Bledsoe is not teaching sound Christian doctrine, but instead he's teaching the ancient Mystery Religions. His experiences don't seem to be coming from God because his first contact with a spirit being was after being overdosed on dangerous Psychotropic drugs. He admits this "opened him up."

See my article on this page: https://kasialovesgod.wixsite.com/mystery-babylon-expo/ufo-disclosure

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