Video: Telepathic Communication ~ Imperative to have CONFIRMATIONS in this Dimension

2 days ago

Deb describes the process of what it is like to telepathically communicate with the Beings of Light she has been clearly back and forth communicating with for over a decade with now. She is a stickler for evidence in this dimension that the communications are real… and after having 100’s of private sessions with people she knows absolutely nothing about at the beginning of the communication, she has incredible amounts of evidence - basically a 99% accuracy record - that the information she’s receiving is clear, without infiltration and also clear from her own filters… which is imperative in order to be a clean and clear “RECEIVING CHANNEL” for this type of communication.

Beyond the private sessions, Deb is finally “coming out of the closet with channelings and telepathic communication that will assist humanity - those that choose to believe, see, hear, the messages and insights that will assist with transcending the Enslavement Matrix so that Ascension CAN be attained!

Excerpt from this video:
So when somebody is telepathic and they are communicating and a lot of people refer to this as being clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, and all of that is true. But as far as the communication is concerned for me, it is a 24/7 traversing, real-time communication that is going on with the Beings of Light, the team that I and now Scott are working with. So the energy that it takes and the Being-ness that it takes to actually be in that Telepathic online modality of communication, is you have to be, for me, I had to get to a place where I was so sensitive to the tap on the shoulder, and I actually do get a physical sensation, actually on the back of my neck. That is when my Higher Self, and my Guides want to communicate, and there is an energy of going into a receiving mode. Just like when you pick up the phone either to call somebody or you are being called, you pick up that phone and say ‘Hello’ and you are expecting that there is going to be someone on the other end to communicate with.

Well, with Telepathic Communication you don’t have that physical presence, you have an ENERGY that is on the other end of that line so to speak, that you are ENGAGING with. Now for me it was a progression of being in total stillness and tuning in and asking questions. What has progressed to this point and even several years ago had progressed to this point, is I am getting communication while I am driving, while I am doing dishes, while I am even in conversations with somebody I am getting communication often times that I am then reporting to that person, that I am sharing with that person that I am in communication with.

For more insight, more details, more information and even experiential tools to assist you to TRANSCEND the Enslavement Matrix, please visit the website and explore what may resonate with you.

**Remember that this is Experiential & Transformational Media - your engagement is active, not just passive!

We love you!

​Remember - We Are In This Together! AND The Most Important Relationship is a Loving Relationship with YourSelf!

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