This Is The Way! Linda McMahon Pulls Zero Punches Talking School Choice, POWERBOMBS Bernie Sanders

5 days ago

Posted • February 13, 2025: Linda McMahon's confirmation hearing for the Department of Ed is happening even as we speak … or write. And you guys, she is killing it. Or should we say, pinning it? Maybe? Eh. —— Linda McMahon: "Fund education freedom, not government-run systems. Listen to parents, not politicians." —— This is the way, Linda McMahon. Fund students, not systems. SCHOOL CHOICE BABYYYYYYYY. —— Oh, and look who's sitting behind her. Triple H sitting behind Linda McMahon during her hearing! What a muscle man! Wow. It's good to have a giant wrestler as a son-in-law. Heh. Linda McMahon has been one of the most underated cabinet picks so far. Her goal is clearly to abolish the department of education and return money and decision making to the states. Libertarians couldn’t hope for a better outcome.

This though … we love this. Bernie Sanders asks Linda McMahon about inequality in American education. She says that's why we need SCHOOL CHOICE. "We are trapping students, often, in low-performing schools. That's why the president has such a strong policy towards school choice." -- POWERBOMB! (…)

• More at: Twitchy - THIS IS THE WAY! Linda McMahon Pulls Zero Punches Talking School Choice, POWERBOMBS Bernie Sanders

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