Jim Ball Cage Trapping Bobcats Demo from the Williams Sale 2022!

20 days ago

All things cage trapping! I was up at the Williams Sale in Arizona this February and Jim Ball gave an outstanding bobcat cage trapping demo. This is one of those videos that you will want to watch again and again and glean some new nugget of information from each time you watch it. In this video Jim covers Trap placement, dealing with bad weather, baits and lures, how to set up a cage trap, how to avoid missing bobcats, how to make some baits and lures and dealing with people just to name a few. It really was a great demo and I am really excited to be able to share it with you today. So sit back grab a beverage and enjoy the demo.

00:00 - Intro
00:48 - Locations to set your cage trap
03:38 - Tips on dealing with bad weather
04:40 - The trappers bag and what to carry with you on the line
09:30 - How to set up your cage trap and things to consider
11:15 - Avoid misses and catch more Bobcats
12:30 - How to make your own long distance call lure
14:00 - Time savers on your trap line
17:20 - Tools for pan tension keeping your traps working all season
23:35 - How to make Cat Juice!
29:30 - Using step sticks
32:15 - Cage care and washing cages
33:05 - Time for Q&A
41:40 - Cage Tags
45:30 - Doing final checks on your cages

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