The Piety of Countess Hendrikova

1 month ago

From Baroness #SophieBuxhoeveden ’s book Left Behind: Fourteen Months in Siberia during the Revolution, December 1917-February 1919 and
Alexei Volkov’s book Memories of #AlexeiVolkov Personal Valet to #Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna 1910-1918, we learn about the life of one member of the Imperial household that did not survive: Countess Anastasia Vasilyevna Hendrikova (1887-1918). Countess #Anastasia Vasilyevna #Hendrikova was born in 1887 and nicknamed “#Nastenka" She was the daughter of Count Vassili Alexandrovich Hendrikov, Grand Master of Ceremonies of the Imperial Court, and his wife, Princess Sophia Petrovna Gagarine. She was a descendant of the sister of Catherine I of Russia, the wife of Peter the Great. She was also a niece to one of the former court physicians. Although Anastasia Vasilievna was born to the nobility, she was very simple in her way of life. Her family lived in an apartment and from early youth, she dressed very modestly, even old-fashioned and, unlike most noble girls, never participated in balls and entertainments. Such modesty was attractive to Empress Alexandra, who shied away from the pomp, pettiness, gossip of #russianimperial #Romanov court.


#TsarNicholas II, "Faithful to the end",

#TsarNicholasII , "The fate of the #royalservant s",

#RomanovRoyalMartyrs , "Nastenka Hendrikova",

#countesshendrikova #russianorthodox #whitearmy #tsarskoeselo #tsarskoeseloexile #1918 #russianrevolution #romanovfamily #granddukeboris #grandduchessolga #otma #OTMAA #romanovs #grandduchessvladimir #vladimirpalace #царь #bolshevik #большевик #романов

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