NWSMC 04.23.16 - “With Verdure Clad” Jeje McPherson

18 days ago

Concert Performance 4-22-16, the Northwest Sacred Music Chorale
Performance at Trinity Lutheran Church, Coeur D Alene, Idaho
Dr. Stan McDaniel, Artistic Director – Marietta Hardy, Accompanist
Aria: “With verdure clad” soloist Jeanne Marie McPherson - Soprano

With verdure clad, the fields appear, delightful to the ravished sense.
By flowers sweet and gay enhanced is the charming sight.
Here, fragrant herbs their odors shed.
Here shoots the healing plant.
With copious fruit, the extended boughs are hung.
In leafy arches twine the shady groves.
O’er lofty hills majestic forests wave.

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