The Origins of D.O.G.E. ... Ironic eh?

1 month ago

Government efficiency

What happened to them?

Bill Clinton a cocaine addict, and a frequent flier on Epstein Airlines, a liar, a crook, pedophile and traitor, just like Hillary.

Barack Hussein Obama (muslim but at least once claimed to be a Christian) aka Barry Soetoro, a hotdog and pizza loving satanic pedophile traitor.

They BOTH constantly lied to the American people, bringing misery to not just Americans but all over the world, as did their zionist puppet masters in the CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION, and the STATE OF ISRAEL CORPORATION, and THE VATICAN.

So now we have President Donald J. Trump and his fine team who are stripping the corrupt scumbags out from all dark corners and crevices. Of course the whining Democrats and Liberals, and the Mockingbird Media are upset with D.O.G.E who are saying Americans a LOT of money, exposing the criminals involved with serious money laundering and worse.

To see how well the DOGE team are doing go to the following web page, and ask yourself why some people are against DOGE?

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