Renowned UK surgeon Dr. James Royle (Press Conf 4 Feb 25)

2 days ago

Source: Description: We hosted a Press Conference on 4 February 2025 to lay bare the theatre of the Covid Inquiry Module 4 public hearings which were held from 14-31 January 2025.

Censorship of vaccine injured and bereaved groups
When giving evidence, they were shut down if they tried to mention inconvenient truths
They were only allowed to cross-examine Witnesses if the Inquiry approved their questions first. Many were disallowed.
They were not allowed to cross-examine the AstraZeneca witness at all
Witnesses were allowed to get away with misleading, questionable or downright false claims.
Contrary evidence was ignored
Our collective conclusion is that the Module 4 Public Hearings were framed to perpetuate the myth that the Covid vaccines were a resounding success. The unheard and censored evidence is quite to the contrary.

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