Why did Trump constantly remind us that Article II allows "me to do whatever I want"?

5 days ago

Why did Trump constantly remind us that Article II allows "me to do whatever I want"?

Because in times of insurrection, he can...

And he is....

Military Precision...



The 1807 Insurrection Act was signed a long time ago, some say it was when the deep-state pushed Biden centre-stage aka Obama's third term. However, I wouldn't be surprised to hear it was signed years before, perhaps the day the deep-state Mossad/Israel, CIA, FBI. House of Saud, MI6 and others did 9/11. Whenever it was signed, President Trump is a wartime President acting in the wartime role as Commander-in-Chief and Article II does indeed give him full powers. Add to that the key Executive Orders especially EO13818, 13848 & 13959., several having been extended by "Sleep Joe"....Sleepy Joe was an ACTOR wearing a mask, several actors in fact. The real Joe Biden is long since departed our planet. When Trump has said many times "Joe's Shot" he's telling you the truth, when Trump says "Joe never comes out of his basement (grave)"...he's telling you the truth. Unfortunately there are way way too many people whining about hurts words, pronouns, being misgendered that they are blind to what more important things are going on. All those liberal fools out there harping on about pronouns, and your "rights" you clowns would not be living right now had President Trump and the White Hats, and "the Others" not acted years ago. Wake Up!!!

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