This is japan: Over 50 Striped Dolphins brutal terrorised, manhandled and killed

26 days ago

Taiji japn, febr. 12, 2025:
Large family of Striped dolphins faced unimaginable hell at the hands of cruel hunters who wanted them dead in order to line their pockets. Blood Money!! These dolphins swimming in their own home invaded by poachers who felt entitled to cause their horrific destruction. The dolphins fought long and hard for over 2 hours for their survival before they could fight no more, succumbing to exhaustion. Nets coming down around them in the killing cove sealing their tragic fate. A pod of dolphins now forever lost to the world.. Young ones, old ones.. No life spared for the avarice of those who brought about their deaths. 😢
This family just wanted to live in peace but were denied .. Their lives mattered and we will not be silent until this heinous Industry collapses upon itself and the capture and slaughter of these sentient, intelligent marine beings is recognised for what it is .. A crime against Nature.

Filmed by Kunito Seko


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