Confused Dog Barks At A Painting Of Itself

6 years ago

Every now and then we want to review a pet video where the subject exhibits an unimpressive IQ. This Chiweenie, barking at his own portrait qualifies. He appears quite jealous of the dog in the portrait. Not only is the dog growling at a mere painting, but it’s a painting of himself! You’re so awfully brave, little buddy. Don’t come any closer, dog in the painting!

Don’t get the Chiweenie wrong, now. They are one of the most loyal, lovable pets you could ever hope to own. They are called Chiweenie because they are the product of two small breeds, the Chihuahua and the dachshund (the dachshund shaped something like a hot dog or “wiener”). With a name like that, the Chiweenie is destined to make us laugh. It can’t escape its fate, because it can’t escape itself.

Even those stalwart, stoic people who don’t want to be friends with such a diminutive dog can’t help but fall in love with this strange concoction of wiener dog and overgrown mouse. They will literally try to leap into your arms, or lick you until you look them in the eye and say, “I give!” Then, it’s all over for you. You have fallen irrevocably in love with the little guy, and you, and he, will both go out of your way to please each other.

The Chiweenie is a bundle of boundless energy. They love walks, because they need to keep a watchful eye on the neighborhood. Keep him leashed, because if he sees a child he will surely want to run over and play. If you need a dog that you want to walk, but you don’t want to walk you, the Chiweenie isn’t likely to overpower its master. You might even consider two of them. These days you might even see one or two being pushed in an infant stroller. There’s nothing infirm about the Chiweenie, they are perfectly capable of walking on their own four legs, so the stroller makes the Chiweenie owner look less intelligent than their dog.

They are bold and brave, and size of the other dog doesn’t seem to matter to him. Neither does it matter if the other dog isn’t even really a dog, apparently. His adversary could just as well be an inanimate, two dimensional painting. Well, for all its assets, perhaps brain power isn’t the selling point with the Chiweenie.

The Chiweenie is cute and dignified, when it isn’t barking at itself. They are excellently suited for domestic, indoor family life. They tend to stay near the floor, rather than jump up on counters, or climb into your refrigerator. They are still an independent little fella, so they need their own little corner of your house to chill, timeout, or sleep for the night. Have some patience with the more energetic of their members; he’ll come around eventually to learn manners. After all, you didn’t adopt a Chiweenie just to be another piece of furniture, but to be a participating family member.

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