US proposes another Chinese Exclusion Acts to confiscate US real estate bought by Chinese

5 days ago

Taiwan US-China expert Tsai Cheng-yuan video: US proposes another Chinese Exclusion Acts to confiscate US real estate bought by Chinese! Will Chinese be so dumb to continue buying US real estate? Why not ban Chinese and China buying US Treasuries? US corruption is rotten to the core 台灣蔡正元法學博士視頻: 美國最新反華法案曝光 沒收中國人所購房產 已拿到綠卡都沒用? 封殺中國, 連綠卡保密嘸用, 美國為何不禁止中國人和中國政府購買美國國債呢? 中國人是否那麼笨還要買美國房地產? 美國層層貪污腐敗!

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