Kat the founder of California Chemtrails on Telegram

8 days ago

Source: https://rumble.com/v6jd841-chemtrail-pilot-confronted-goes-viral-kat-cali-chemtrails.html Links: Keep your skin healthy, GET Native Path Collagen:
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There are heroes among us, they are the ones who confront tyrants and by doing so show the rest of us the way. One such woman is Kat the founder of California Chemtrails on Telegram. Kat is a fed up Californian who is sick and tired of her family being sprayed daily by Geoengineering chemtrail pilots, so Kat began tracking them and confronting them - and she went viral. This is her inspiring story.

Kat's Substack:

FireMedic (FM8) on Bitchute:

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