The Viking Myths: Loki's Children (Episode 4-MULTISUB)

1 month ago

Episode 4: Odin, up on his observation throne, discovers the monstrous children Loki has fathered with the giantess: the wolf, the snake and the monstrous child. He sends his son Týr and the beautiful Freyja to bring them back to him. For his part, Thor decides to set off again on adventures in the land of the giants with Loki, and travels to the giants’ fortress, Utgard.

Back in Asgard, Odin judges Loki’s children, brought back by Freyja. Hel, half-child and half-rotten corpse, is hurled into the underworld, while the snake, still small, is thrown into the sea – where it instantly begins to swell at full speed, until it encircles Midgard. In his palace, Thor hears from Sif, who has heard from Frigg’s handmaidens, all prophetesses, that the god of thunder will die fighting Jörmungandr, the Midgard serpent...

Episode 5:

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