HOME REMEDY : घरेलू उपचार - उल्टी, वायुविकार, कब्ज, अम्लवित्त, संग्रहणी।

1 month ago

This channel focuses on home remedies for ailments considered minor but troublesome. These are generally not serious illnesses but can cause discomfort. For such ailments, people usually don’t need to visit a doctor; they can be managed with home remedies. These solutions don’t require a trip to the pharmacy either, as the ingredients are often readily available in our homes, mainly in the kitchen. These remedies are highly effective. Sometimes, unexpected discomfort arises, especially late at night or when it's difficult to see a doctor. In such situations, these remedies can be very helpful. Most of these tips are already known, especially by elders in the family. Through this channel, we aim to present these remedies in a structured manner.
It is important to note that in case of any severe condition, it is essential to consult a qualified doctor, as a seemingly minor issue could be a sign of a more serious illness. These remedies are useful for immediate relief, but if the problem persists, professional advice is recommended.
Although these remedies have been in use for a long time, we are grateful to individuals like J.V. Hebbar, Samuel Billings, Omkar Singh, and Sarita Sharma for the knowledge shared in this content.

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