Prayer based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ENG Chinese Pinyin

19 days ago

NOTES - Prayer based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 / Tiē sā luó ní jiā qián shū 5:16-18 / 帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:16-18
O Lord, sometimes I'm not quite sure what your will is
Zhǔ a, yǒushí wǒ bù tài qīngchǔ nǐ de zhǐyì shì shénme
Zhǔ 主 Lord
a 啊 [used at the end of the sentence to convey a feeling of admiration or an undertone of warning]
Zhǔ a 主啊 O Lord
yǒu 有 (verb) have, possess, there is, exist
shí 时 (noun) time, times, season
yǒushí 有时 (adv) sometimes
wǒ 我 I
bù 不 no, not
tài 太 (adv) too, [used in negative sentences] very
qīng 清 (adj) clear, distinct, quiet, (verb) settle, clear up
chǔ 楚 (adj) clear, neat
qīngchǔ 清楚 (verb) be clear about, understand
nǐ 你 you
de 的 [used after a noun, used after a pronoun]
nǐ de 你的 your, yours
zhǐ 旨 (noun) purport, purpose
yì 意 (noun) wish, desire, expectation, idea
zhǐyì 旨意 (noun) decree, order
shì 是 to be (is), [used as a verb to be when the predicative is a noun, used for emphasis when the predicative is other than a noun]
shénme 什么 what

Sometimes I don't know if what I’m doing is right or wrong
Yǒushí wǒ bù zhīdào wǒ zuò de shìqíng shì duì háishì cuò de
yǒu 有 (verb) have, possess, there is, exist
shí 时 (noun) time, times, season
yǒushí 有时 (adv) sometimes
wǒ 我 I
bù 不 no, not
zhī 知 (verb) know, be aware of
dào 道 road, way, path, doctrine, principle
zhīdào 知道 (verb) know , be aware of
zuò 做 (verb) do
de 的 [used after a verb as an attribute, used after an adjective]
shì 事 (noun) matter, affair, thing
qíng 情 (noun) sentiment, feelings, situation, condition
shìqíng 事情 (noun) matter, affair, thing
shì 是 to be (is), [used as a verb to be when the predicative is a noun, used for emphasis when the predicative is other than a noun]
duì 对 (adj) correct, right
háishì 还是 (conj) or
cuò 错 (adj) wrong, mistaken, erroneous

But I'm most certain about what you want me to do
Dànshì wǒ zuì quèdìng nǐ yào wǒ zuò de shì
dàn 但 (conj) but
shì 是 to be (is), [used as a verb to be when the predicative is a noun, used for emphasis when the predicative is other than a noun]
dànshì 但是 (conj) but, yet, still, nevertheless
wǒ 我 I
zuì 最 (adv) most
què 确 (adv) firmly, definitely
dìng 定 (verb) decide, fix
quèdìng 确定 (verb) fix, determine, decide on
nǐ 你 you
yào 要 (verb) want, desire, need, must
zuò 做 (verb) do
de 的 [used after a verb as an attribute]
shì 事 (noun) matter, affair, thing

Rejoice always
Yào chángcháng xǐlè
yào 要 (verb) want, need
cháng 常 frequently, often
chángcháng 常常 (adv) frequently, often
xǐ 喜 (adj) happy, pleased, (verb) like, be fond of
lè 乐 joyful, happy, cheerful

Pray without ceasing
Bù zhù dǎogào
bù 不 no, not
zhù 住 (verb) stay, stop, cease
bùzhù 不住 (adv) constantly, continuously, repeatedly
dǎo 祷 (verb) pray
gào 告 (verb) tell, inform, request, ask for
dǎogào 祷告 (verb) pray

Give thanks in all circumstances!
Fánshì xiè'ēn!
fán 凡 (adv) every, any, all
shì 事 (noun) matter, affair, thing
fánshì 凡事 (noun) everything
xiè 谢 (verb) thank
ēn 恩 kindness, favour, grace

This is Your will for me in Christ Jesus!
Shén a, zhè jiùshì nǐ zài Jīdū Yēsū lǐ gěi Wǒ de zhǐyì!
Shén 神 God
a 啊 [used at the end of the sentence to convey a feeling of admiration or an undertone of warning]
Shén a 神啊 O God
zhè 这 this
jiùshì 就是 (adv) exactly, precisely
nǐ 你 you
zài 在 [indicating position of a person or thing]
Jīdū Yēsū 基督耶稣 Christ Jesus
lǐ 里 in, inside
gěi 给 to give
wǒ 我 I, me
de 的 [used after a noun or pronoun]
zhǐ 旨 (noun) purport, purpose
yì 意 (noun) wish, desire, expectation, idea
zhǐyì 旨意 (noun) decree, order

Thank You, Lord. Amen.
Xièxiè nǐ, Zhǔ. Āmen.
xiè 谢 (verb) thank
xiè xiè 谢谢 (verb) thanks, thank you
nǐ 你 you
Zhǔ 主 Lord
Āmen 阿们 Amen

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