Check Out My Freedom Farm! 2025 Range Tour

24 days ago

Here is a little update on my range, the Freedom Farm!
I realize I may have a good number of new people and I have not shown off everything on my range land for quite a while.
Lots of new things on the range this year, and I am always adding things to this. I collect random things and try to think of ways to make some home-made target stands or shooting props. I need some good ideas for all the pallets I have collected, lol.
I think for a person, private range this whole thing turned out really well.
It is mostly in the trees that are on the sides of a creek that winds through a farm that my dad has owned since before I was born!! He never went into the trees and I was looking for a place to make a range and found some clearings here. Then used a skid steer with a tree cutting attachment to clear a few lanes to the clearings and make some paths to drive in to the biggest one.
I added some backstops and even an elevated storage area!
Overall, I am very happy and I know I am blessed to have this for myself.

Anyone coming out to the PRS KYL challenge will be welcome to bring pistols and shotguns. We can set up some stages and have a fun range day after doing the challenge! I have a cool place that is well hidden from prying eyes.

Thanks for watching. This was a cold day and I did not have any of the new stuff in yet that I am making my next videos on. Stay tuned, I got the primer depth measuring tool, new cases coming in to prepare for my extra matches starting in March.
I am thinking I may get an RCBS Matchmaster powder dispenser to speed things up a bit. Let me know if you think I should try that and see how it compares to the Frankford Intellidropper. Or just wait for the Gen 2 Intellidropper to release? Let me know your thoughts!

Have a great rest of your day and an awesome weekend!
See you on the next one!

This is a private range. All shooting is done in a safe, controlled environment with no people or dwellings within miles to be at risk.

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