The New York City Street Layout Around The United Nations Reveals Much.

2 days ago

"For those with eyes to see and ears to hear". Jesus said this.

A monument in Stone. Freemasons. NYC.

A timeline in the NYC Street grid. See previous videos on this also.

Gerald R Ford 38th President.

To the 48th President 2028 in the 61st Inauguration 2029.

The Man born 4.8.1961. Barack Hussein Obama. To rule Great Tribulation.
World Economic Forum's The Great Reset. The Great Seal of America. Enshrining Lucifer as the little g god, or G-d of Chabad Lubavitch Talmudic Judaism. Preceding the Seals of Revelation chapter 6. Great Tribulation begins.

2027 - 2028 the next Presidential Final Theatre. Trump vs Obama.
Just what we saw in 2023- 2024.
22nd Amendment will be revoked. Trump vs Obama. Fake.
Trump is Obama's puppet.
Trump keeps this Narrative going all the time 3rd term?

Or just Obama who knows till we get there. 2028.

Obama Born: 4.8. + 38 Days = 9/11.

Freedom Plaza. East 38th street.
Gerald Ford. Southern border. 1974 Age 61.

To Obama East 48th Street Obama. 2028. 48th "Sitting President".

Trump will continue to play his part. "Acting President".

Northern border. TRUMP WORLD TOWER on United Nations Plaza Land...

AMAZING. Do not be deceived.

Wake up O Sleeper.

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