Canal Fishing

1 month ago

Canal Fishing: this outing took place the 4th week of April. Small water usually warms up before large water, and this "new to me" canal has a MAX depth of about 4 feet... even though it's over 100 miles LONG. That's a lot of (warm) water to cover in a small kayak! Fortunately, I met a new friend that was willing to share some knowledge...

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The Minimalist Fisherman: In the Field focuses on bass fishing tips and techniques that will help you catch more fish all throughout the Midwest. Everything we write about - we test.

If it's good - we keep it. If it's not - we minimize it!

Tight Lines & Godspeed, Patriots.
#canalfishing #kayakfishing #bassfishing

The Minimalist Fisherman: In The Field (formerly Stars & Bars Fishing) is an in-the-field fishing vlog by AJ Hauser, who owns and operates The Minimalist Fisherman. The presentations we review and explain on the website ( and on The Minimalist Fisherman YouTube channel ( are put to use here.

"If I'm not catching fish with it - I'm not writing about it. Period."

00:00 - [ Canal Fishing ]
01:45 - [ 1. Field Notes: Conditions ]
07:55 - [ 2. Field Notes: Paddling Ahead ]
09:35 - [ 3. Best Bass of the Day ]
10:30 - [ 4. Summary of the Day ]

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