Did Jesus Say I am God or Worship Me? | Sam Shamoun

1 month ago

Christian Apologist Sam Shamoun also known as Shamounian goes over the common muscle objection they bring up Christianity about Jesus in the Bible where does Jesus say I am God or worship me this argument was popularized by a Islamic Muslim Dawah man named Ahmed Deedat bringing this up in order to show that Jesus never claimed to be God, but this is a inconsistent position in the Bible because we see that Jesus does multiple things in the Bible, that clearly depict them as God and only does things that God does when we turn this around and apply the same consistency to the Quran and ask where does Jesus say that he is the word of God in a spare of from him, we see that he never says it in those exact words from his own mouth, but rather allah says it so therefore it can’t be true since it has to come from Jesus directly in his own language aramaic not arabic also addressing the preservation of the quran compared to the bible showing the consistencies in what was viewed by the people during their times

(New Testament / Old Testament)
1 Corinthians 9 verses 19 to 23
Acts 17 verse 28

0:00 Refuting Jesus ever Say I am God by muslims
2:57 Why didn’t Jesus come out say he is God directly?
5:48 How to respond to Bible and Quran Preservation
8:11 Quran Confirms bible Preservation
9:55 Quran missing verses and variants
12:43 Sheep eating a verse

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