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**Prayer is an earthly license for heavenly interference, and expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles.**

In this urgent prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z and Pastor Mark Cowart share prophetic insights about what the Lord has revealed concerning our nation and what is expected of us in this season.
Pastor Mark believes we are in a unique and opportune time for change, and the body of Christ is expected to rise to the occasion. Joseph also shares his vision of four years of redemptive instability, which will persist until 2028, marking the beginning of a turnaround and a transformation for America. He clarifies that each segment of this period of instability will be accompanied by divine intervention, as God will create a path of protection for His people.

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Pastor Mark emphasizes the necessity of national repentance, noting that we cannot fulfill the Great Commission without understanding the seven spheres of influence. He explains that darkness prevails because the church has not fully taken responsibility for being the light the world needs, as darkness denotes the absence of light. Joseph expresses concern about the economic turmoil amid these challenges; however, he believes the economy will rebound powerfully if the evil forces attempting to destroy it continue their efforts.

Furthermore, Pastor Mark asserts that the prayers of the faithful are powerful, as prayer is a license for divine interference. He highlights the importance of praying continuously because, as Christ says, “We do not receive because we do not ask.” Joseph reminds us that we are not at the end of our journey yet, sharing a vision of a newspaper headline that reads, “God Saved America.” Pastor Mark urges us to live as if the Lord is coming soon. Joseph further reassures us that the U.S. has one more opportunity because the "young lions" are coming.

Additionally, Pastor Mark expresses that we are not fighting for victory but fighting from a position of victory, encouraging us to replace a victim mindset with a victor’s mentality. In an interesting turn, Joseph shares his vision of two superpowers uniting for a moral awakening, driven by the intercession and prayers of God's people. He insists that rather than conflict, there will be moral healing. He also discusses his insights regarding China, suggesting they may initially call the U.S.'s bluff but will eventually find themselves in a troublesome situation that will cause them to retreat or exercise restraint. They both assure us that God will provide for us, urging us to focus on what God is doing, as expectancy is indeed the breeding ground for miracles.

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