Charles Hoffe Charges Dropped! Interview February 2025

21 days ago

Today I have some urgent news I need to share! Late last week, I heard from Dr. Charles Hoffe that the College of Physicians in BC has dropped all charges against him!

After several years of having his name dragged through the mud, and having to deal with attacks and abuse on all sides - not to mention various frustrating legal hurdles, all charges are dropped. I asked what reasons the College gave for dropping the charges, and Dr. Hoffe tells me the college has only given a few vague reasons. He suspects that after they failed to have his evidence excluded by means of judicial notice, they wanted to keep his evidence off the record, and thus ended this case.

Whatever the reasons, this is great news, but Charles is still many thousands of dollars out of pocket for legal fees to defend himself during this time.

You'll remember some of the questionable legal tactics the College pulled, like for example serving massive documents on Dr. Hoffe last minute that required his lawyer to hire a whole team of help to answer and defend against.

This cost Dr. Hoffe a tremendous amount of money.

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