NT Framework 75 Regeneration

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SBC Family,

Last week we talked about the Person of the Holy Spirit. This week we are going to talk about the Works of the Holy Spirit. The first work of the Spirit will be Regeneration, and we will add several more works which will make up the acronym RIBS.


Regeneration has always been the most interesting to me. We will answer questions like, "Were OT saints regenerated?" and "What difference does it make if a person is regenerated?" We'll investigate several passages and spend some time trying to explain what it means that you are regenerated and what difference it makes before and after belief, as well as how it ties into the impeccability and kenosis of Christ. Remember, Christ was the test pilot of the Christian life. He had to live moment by moment in dependence upon the Spirit to demonstrate that a true human could live in constant dependence and live a successful and perfect life. What implications does this have for us since His seed abides in us? Very interesting area of investigation.

See the attachment. I'll probably modify it greatly before tomorrow AM, but I'm exhausted right now and need to go to sleep for awhile.




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