G. Edward Griffin: 'Central Bankers Use Fiat Money to Control and Plunder the Masses'

2 days ago

G. Edward Griffin: Central bankers create money out of thin air, lend it to governments at interest, and use the resulting power, wealth and influence to amass ever more control, at the expense of the average person.

"The real goal is not just to make more money. They've got all the money they can possibly spend. Their real goal today... is to control every human being on the planet."

"Governments need money, and the only way they can get it is to tax their subjects, which is unpopular... so they don't like the tax structure so much. But they love the fiat money structure—the devaluation of the purchasing power of the existing national currencies—because that's a hidden tax that goes directly to them."

"And not one person in a thousand out there in the street understands how that works, so there's no animosity or anger on the public part because they don't understand that they're being plundered. So it's their favourite method of paying for everything, and they have no limit."

G. Edward Griffin is the author of 'The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve'.

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