SAFIRE Project Presentation 2019 - Montgomery Childs and Michael Clarage

2 days ago

This presentation was with the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement
(Global BEM)
Evolution of the SAFIRE Project:

SAFIRE stands for Stellar Atmospheric Function In Regulation Experiment. REAL Science and experimental results. Not math based on Simulations and computer graphics. No CGI, No Photoshop.

Based on the discoveries from 2012 to 2020, the SAFIRE team is currently developing a nuclear-plasma reactor which will have the capacity to both generate electrical power and to remediate radioactive waste.

For a few million dollars private funding within a few years.
(Unlike claims for Nuclear Fusion for the last 30 years at the expense of billions of tax dollars.)

THE SAFIRE SUN is an 11-minute film designed to give potential collaborators a quick overview of the project.

Displaying how the sun operates with transmutation of elements, Alfven wave heating, double layers of plasma, etc.
Nobel Prizes in the Future?

SAFIRE Project 2018 Results:

Producing energy equal to the Sun. The surface of the electrode is 1000 K. Outside the plasma shells is 500K... But trapped in the layers of plasma are temperatures equal to about 3,000,000K.
(Like creating stable energy equal to a nuclear bomb but without the radiation)
Each concentric shell independently rotates and also alternates in polarity.
Noteworthy pages: 3, 4, 8, 16, 18- 24, 33 - 42, 45 - 61, 66, 67

SAFIRE stands for Stellar Atmospheric Function in Regulation Experiment.
Amazing results from 2019 experiments.
Not math based on Simulations.
2019 Update:

SAFIRE 2023 update:

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