Feminist Says Eating Meat is Oppressive - Politics of Meat

21 days ago

Feminist Says Eating Meat is Oppressive - Politics of Meat
This is a debate on feminism, veganism and patriarchy with focus on oppression of women in the society. Carol Adams' Oxford Union presentation was in favor of moving beyond meat, where animal rights advocate has been criticised for claiming white supremacists "weaponised" eating meat, eggs and dairy to "reclaim their wounded masculinity. We discuss meat eating as a feminist issue, and whether eating meat contributes to oppression of women and partiarchal society. We also talk about traditional gender roles and the correlation between feminism and veganism. We do agree that meat eating is seen as masculine. Carol believes anti-veganism could be sexism in discuise, as our culture feminizes compassion and also masculinizes meat-eating.
She said ''In The Sexual Politics of Meat, I introduced the concept of animals as absent referents. In order to be eaten, animals must disappear as living beings—that is, be killed''.

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Carol J Adams is a writer and activist. Working for social justice includes recognizing how forms of oppression overlap and intersect. Carol J. Adams is also a feminist, and animal rights advocate. She is the author of The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory and The Pornography of Meat, focusing in particular on what she argues are the links between the oppression of women and animals.

- get her books: https://amzn.to/412EEro
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