Vaccine Juggernaut

1 month ago

Peoples vaccine inquiry
CCVAC Speech to PVI Press Conference 4 February 2025

I’m Ros Jones, a retired consultant paediatrician, and I am here on behalf of more than 200 experienced health professionals and academics. We’ve sent numerous letters to the regulators and politicians about the folly of covid vaccines for children. We, like others here, were asked for a detailed witness statement which we provided, even agreeing to it being shared with one of their ‘experts’ . When we were told we wouldn’t be called, we were nevertheless thanked and told our statements had been very useful to the Inquiry team in their deliberations. However, nothing we provided was used at all. We were simply ascribed to the ‘misinformation brigade’. Apropos of which, our first fully referenced letter with all our names was sent by Chris Whitty’s department to the Counter Disinformation Unit, who previously monitored online child pornography & terrorism!
So following on from Dr Evans, firstly the ethics – it was very clear that whatever bug was doing the rounds in spring 2020, it did not affect children to any significant degree, yet the government measures caused disproportionate harm. It wasn’t just the school closures, it was the testing and masking and the don’t kill your granny messaging. And parents saw first hand the harms of lockdowns. So when the vaccines were presented
as the only route back to normal, parents were not immune from the messaging.
The risk : benefit balance is widely variable by age so a one-size fits all was never right. Matt Hancock was absolutely clear this was an adult vaccine, Kate Bingham went further to say for more than 50 s with comorbidities. Professor Lim in his evidence confirmed that the phase 1 rollout was expected to cover 99% of the mortality from Covid-19. Yet none questioned why the vaccine juggernaut seemed to be unstoppable.
So that brings me to the approval process. MHRA authorized the use of Pfizer for 12- 15s on the basis of 1131 vaccinated children followed for 2 months. You don’t need to be a medic to know that is not a measure of safety. Yet Kate Bingham said the studies were large!! MHRA only checked data provided by Pfizer. They then passed the baton to the JCVI. The Moral and Ethical Advisory Group (MEAG), a multifaith and ethics group set up in 2019, asked specifically to be involved in discussions re children’s
vaccine but their planned meeting in June was cancelled as they were told there were plans to vaccinate kids. In fairness, JCVI meeting minutes show they were worried - they were looking at myocarditis reports from Israel and the US. And they said NO, not for healthy under 18s. But 48 hours later they held an emergency meeting at the request of the CMO to ‘reconsider their decision’. Why was Chris Whitty not questioned about this? Or about the CMOs decision that this would help keep children in school and hence good for mental health! He admitted their calculations (it worked out at 15
mins / child) allowed no time out of class for the vaccination procedure, let alone for any adverse effects.
Turning to myocarditis, this has been acknowledged & added to the PIL but their so called expert misquoted the Oxford study, saying it showed more myocarditis with covid than with the vaccine (as stated in the conclusion sentence of their abstract) but even the results section of the abstract actually reported that for males under 40, myocarditis was 6x more likely after vaccination than after infection. Again the MHRA were never
pinned down as to why they didn’t give more detail of rates by age to enable informed consent.
Everyone just kept repeating ‘VERY rare’ and ‘recovers quickly’. How rare depends on how hard you look. Israel, where the first cases were reported, sent letters to all their paediatricians, cardiologists & Emergency physicians, telling them what to look out for and this resulted in ~ 1 in 6000, so not ‘very rare’ , Mr Keith, that is ‘rare’. But Thailand did what the MHRA should have demanded of Pfizer: they organised a prospective study in two large secondary schools with cardiac blood tests and ECG before and 1/52
after vaccination and they found a worrying 1 in 29 with either clinical or subclinical myo- or pericarditis. That is ‘COMMON’ As for ‘recovers quickly’, teenagers admitted to US hospitals with chest pain seemed to
recover quickly but 89% had abnormal cMRIs. JCVI wanted to see their follow up data before making a decision. If they had been allowed to delay, they would have learned that 60% were still abnormal 6/12 later. These are abnormalities which have been

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