1 month ago

Imagine getting paid and not doing the job your paid to do and get away with it .

Don’t check I’m breathing didn’t do first essential care changing the night bags because I can’t get out of bed due to government saying doesn’t have £5,660 for the chair they assessed me for and measured me for which meets my needs and requirements which allows me to be fully independent but the government doesn’t want men to be independent so they will keep you bed bound till they find you dead from the unnecessary confinement of a human also dehumanisation of myself. Carers walk in and say Carl and because I was quiet they didn’t carry out there duty of care to me and have left me to get out of bed onto a hard shower chair which will only inevitably soon I will end up in hospital worse than when I went in over a year ago .

Im fighting for my life only me,with the push back of the government proxy’s like the social worker mark and his boss also NHS , Norwich City Council,my GP are all in together keeping a man who is able to be fully independent and the government has money for care for over a year and still going which must be over £50,000 a year but the chair is £5,660 now anyone who is good with number and maths knows that this is wasting tax payers money and preventing men from being masculine men and taking all independence from any man they get the chance to .
I am living proof of this !

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