A Family Divided by the Jab!

1 month ago

His father suffered severe health issues after the Pfizer jab. He and his wife avoided COVID by following the IMA protocol. Now, their vaccinated daughter has had COVID multiple times and shows signs of myocarditis, leaving them deeply concerned.

Do you have your own story?
Did information from the FLCCC make a positive difference to you or your family? Did our COVID prevention or treatment protocols help you, or did Dr. Been's 'Long Story Short' or Dr. Saleeby's 'Whole Body Health' help guide your health positively? Did intermittent fasting change your life? Anything and everything - we would love to hear your story!

Email us at mystory@imahealth.org to get the conversation started.

The Independent Medical Alliance (formerly FLCCC Alliance) is a healthcare nonprofit on a mission to restore trust, integrity, and the doctor-patient relationship. Get involved by clicking below:

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