Hermes, the Pterion... and the wisdom of the body.

3 days ago

Hermes is the god of shepherds, wanderers, pathways, and boundaries. He is the messenger of the gods and mediator between their world and ours.

Famous for his winged helmet and sandals, the Greek god of communication is also well-known for his magical staff of spiralling serpents - the caduceus.

The staff of Hermes can be likened to the human spinal column and its serpents to the twisting universal energies dancing along its 33 vertebrae. The wings represent metaphorical flight and the heightening of activity within the neo-cortex of the feather-like hemispheres of the brain.

The winged helmet of Hermes supports this idea and highlights the area of the head that may help encourage this metaphorical flight.

In human anatomy, this area is called the Pterion and is derived from the ancient Greek root pteron, meaning wing. (the winged helmet of Hermes was called the petasos). This is an area of the head where 4 of our skull bones meet in conjunction; it is an area of great sensitivity and contains important energy points that can be accessed with applied pressure and gentle massage.

The magical heels of Hermes can also be linked to the sensitive energy centres of the body.

In the Eastern energetic tradition, the ankles and heels hold the "Tai Xi" or "supreme stream" and the "Da Zhong" or "Great cup". (along with others on the kidney meridian). In the Vedic teachings, the heel holds the "Gulpha" and "Kurchcha shirah" marma points.

These sensitive areas of the body are highlighted by the wings of the messenger god - the god of wisdom, the wisdom of the human body. Hermes is the son of Zeus, the Greek father god of thunder and electrical lightning. He is also the god of communication and the mediator between divine and human realms. In the anatomical allegory, these messages are the bio-electricity flowing through our powerful nervous system.

In this video, we delve a little deeper into the physiological symbolism of the Greek wisdom God.

Healing Heel video link -

Creation of Adam energetic mysteries video link -

Mithras anatomical secrets video link -

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