LIVE 10AM PST 2/13 - Former Police Chief Shawn Taylor EXPOSES MORTGAGE FRAUD!

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This is a show to pay attention to as you know... I am a whistleblower in mortgage fraud and agree with this message.

Federal Civil RICO Case: Retired Assistant Chief Shawn Taylor and former City Attorney Bryant Kroll uncover the WITCH HUNT against Millersville Police Department and Veterans For Child Rescue.

EXPOSING EVIDENCE OF MASS CORRUPTION ON A TRANSNATIONAL LEVEL WITH TENTACLES FAR AND WIDE FROM CANADA TO UKRAINE, THE BRICS NATIONS TO CHINA. From Election Fraud, Voter Fraud, Geopolitical shifting, Human Trafficking Coverups, Fraudulent Mortgage’s, hundreds of billions if not a trillion in fraud and embezzlement. This is systemic corruption! This Civil Federal Rico Case opens the door for a Criminal RICO Case, a template for all of us fighting corruption.

Please support Shawn and watch and help out if you can. This story needs to BLOW UP!

Support Retired Chief Shawn Taylor-Donate at:

Support Former City Attorney Bryant Kroll-Donate at:

See the Federal Civil Rico Case:

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