ORDER OUT OF CHAOS - Trailer Pack | VOL 1-4

1 month ago


Volume 1 originally released May 25, 2022

The 9/11 Commission Report blamed radical al Qaeda terrorists for the horrific terror attacks carried out on American soil. However, the official report failed to mention Gelatin and E-Team. Who are they and what are the implications of their connections to Mossad? And just what exactly is “The B-Thing?” Written by Adam Riva and edited by Mouthy Buddha, ORDER OUT OF CHAOS VOL 1: THE B-THING investigates the true culprits behind the most notorious false flag attack in modern history, how they engineered it, and how they got away with it.

Volume 2 originally released September 8, 2022

Who were the “high-fivers” and how did they know ahead of time that the World Trade Center would be attacked on September 11th? Why did the White House intervene to block their prosecution once they were apprehended by authorities? Why is it that so many so-called “art students” who had foreknowledge of the attacks were connected to Mossad? Written by Adam Riva and edited by Mouthy Buddha, ORDER OUT OF CHAOS VOL 2: THE HIGH-FIVERS investigates the true culprits behind the most notorious false flag attack in modern history, how they engineered it, and how they got away with it.

Volume 3 originally released June 3, 2023

Far from being isolated events, the false flag attacks on September 11 were one chapter of a long coup on the American republic and a shadow war that rages on to the present. How is 9/11 connected to January 6, Russiagate, and Spygate? Written by Adam Riva and edited by Mouthy Buddha, ORDER OUT OF CHAOS VOL 3: WIRETAP investigates the key players that were involved in the War on Terror and their connections to Mossad and other adversaries.

Volume 4 originally released October 8, 2024

Out of chaos comes order. Is this why the CIA armed and financed Osama bin Laden and the mujahideen in the 1980s? Written by Ryan DeLarme and edited by Loyal Nine, ORDER OUT OF CHAOS VOL 4: CYCLONE opens the file on the covert program to prop up the supposed future mastermind of the September 11th attacks.


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