Shakara Tosha & Soma ARah Interview on Cosmic Ascension Waves of Light THE CAWL 11th Feb 2025

2 days ago

Shakara Tosha is a multidimensional StarBeing Messenger, Ascension Guide, Master Teacher, Light Language Speaker & Artist who offers practical wisdom, understanding, & useful activation tools for holistic living during these changing times. She has received many Messages from a wide range of StarBeing Guides that she channels to assist humanity in living more holistically & raising their vibration during our energetically shifting “Ascension” times. She’s an intuitive energy reader who is deeply connected to the cosmic, ascended & elemental realms, & is a spiritual Wayshower, a Lightworker, & a Creator with Light. She’s a cosmic, energetic guide in resonance with diverse frequencies & dimensional realities.

She offers this wisdom through presentations, workshops, books, courses, activated art, cosmic codes, sound journeys & other helpful offerings. She's a "Creative Inspirationalist", helping people connect to their Guides, raise their vibration & realize their true human potential with joy & creativity. Bridging ancient wisdom &modern life, Shakara encourages people to “Remember" their true nature, develop their unique soul expressions & consciously create the life of their dreams.
Get “Galactivated”…& live your best life!
New World, New Earth, New You. Welcome…we have arrived.

Soma ARah

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