Let's ask the experts - 500mph at sea level for a plane?

27 days ago

Can a Commercial Jetliner Fly above 500 mph at Sea Level?

Going in Search of Planes in NYC on 9/11
Revisiting 1st Responders’ Accounts
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/going-in-search-of-planes-in-nyc

Why the remote takeover of planes on 9/11 is IMPOSSIBLE
Avionics technician exposes the impossibilities of remotely taking-over a commercial aircraft way back in 2007
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/why-the-remote-takeover-of-planes

The 9/11 Hoodwink at Shanksville, PA
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The PentaCon on 9/11
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Poem: Ghosts In The Flight - Don't believe your eyes
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