Mar. 15, 1965 | U.S. Air Raids in Vietnam

1 month ago

Mar. 15, 1965 - A powerful armada of U.S Navy and Air Force planes — possibly 150 — blasted the Phu Qui ammunition depot only 100 miles south of Hanoi today.
A few hours after the planes returned from Phu Qui, an Air Force spokesman described the raid as “the most remunerative” of the six strikes so far flown against North Vietnam. One pilot was killed when his plane crashed at sea.
This deep probe into the enemy heartland was expected to provoke reaction soon from the squadrons of Russian-supplied jet fighters known to be based near Hanoi.
To guard against this possibility, the latest U.S. jet fighter planes cover for the bombers in the raid.
Phu Qui is easily within the range of the Communist MIG’s stationed at Hanoi fields, but none rose to meet the U.S. warplanes today.

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