Steve Gregg Q&A #2

1 month ago

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In this episode of the Proverbs 18:13 podcast, Adam engages with Bible teacher Steve Gregg, who shares his extensive knowledge on various biblical topics, particularly focusing on the significance of understanding the Kingdom of God, the role of Israel in salvation, and the nature of true Israel. Gregg discusses the dangers of idolizing Israel, the concept of anti-Semitism, and the distinction between ethnic and covenantal Israel. He emphasizes God's desire for all to be saved and the importance of the remnant in both the Old and New Testaments. In this conversation, Steve Gregg discusses the complexities of salvation, the various views on atonement, and the Christian perspective on the Israel-Palestine conflict. He emphasizes that salvation is ultimately God's prerogative and that understanding the atonement can take many forms, all of which can hold biblical merit. Additionally, he addresses the moral responsibilities of Christians in the context of international conflicts, advocating for peace and justice for all people involved.


Steve Gregg has been a Bible teacher for over 54 years.
Understanding the Kingdom of God is crucial for grasping the gospel.
Idolatry towards Israel can distract from true Christian faith.
Not all Jews today are faithful to God or Christ.
The term 'anti-Semitism' primarily refers to anti-Jewish sentiment.
True Israel is defined by covenant faithfulness, not ethnicity.
The remnant of Israel is the faithful group that God recognizes.
God desires all men to be saved, regardless of their knowledge of Christ.
Gentiles can be righteous without having the law, as per Romans 2.
God's default attitude towards humanity is love, not wrath. Salvation is not limited to those who have heard the gospel.
God's prerogative allows for the possibility of salvation for those unaware of the gospel.
Different views on atonement can coexist without negating each other.
The penal substitution view and Christus Victor view can be compatible.
Christians should prioritize love and justice for all people, especially fellow believers.
War is often a result of human evil and should be condemned.
Christians should seek peace and justice in international conflicts.
Understanding the complexities of geopolitical issues requires caution and humility.
The information we receive about conflicts can be biased and should be critically evaluated.
Prayer for peace and justice is a vital response to global conflicts.

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