Interesting Video Explains How Our Fascination With Aliens Began

6 years ago

There are a ton of theories about extraterrestrial life, but when did they first start influencing American pop culture?

As the video states in the very beginning, if you google the word “alien,” the millions of results will be overwhelming. People have long been fascinated with the possibility of alien life. This topic has been debated back and forth constantly in movies, think pieces, articles, etc. There are also thousands of people who claim to have had actual encounters with alien life. Some of these of course have been debunked as fiction and hoaxes, but there are actually some reports that have not been able to be explained by any conventional methods, reasoning, or science. Stories such as these add to the fire of society being obsessed with the possibility of aliens.
Aliens, or the debate of alien possible life, is undoubtedly a part of American culture.

The speaker in this video points out another video that has received forty million views. This video covers the alien topic, and it poses the question, “Are we alone?” Fox did a survey recently, and the results are quite shocking. Even those who know the popularity of this topic were shocked by these statistics. The survey found that 47% of Americans actually believe that alien life actually exists.

This does not include the groups of people who consider themselves on the fence on this issue. When you add those people, the numbers increase even further. Interestingly enough, though, many people do not always readily admit that they believe in aliens. This can be because they are fearful of being judged by others for believing in aliens, especially if they do not realize that their friends and acquaintances probably share the same belief! The previously mentioned 47% of Americans also said that they not only believe aliens exist, but they also admitted on this survey that they believe these aliens are actually visiting Earth.

The video states that state that it was in 1947 that Americans began to be entranced by the idea that there might be foreign life forms in outer space coming to visit our planet. The event that happened in that year to start this mass interest was a report from Kenneth Arnold. He reported seeing nine floating objects that were glowing bright blue and white. This man was a pilot, and he seemed to be a very credible man, giving validity to his report. He reported that these objects were flying in a “V” formation over Washington State. It was not long after this report that the frenzy began. The American public started to see these alien references featured on movies and television shows.

As the video states, the first notable time that aliens were featured as visitors on Earth was the feature film “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” This was made in 1951. The aliens featured here, though, were not portrayed as friendly beings. They came to Earth with demands and hostility. Current portrayals sometimes stray from this initial image.

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