7 Directions Your Future Could Take - PTOC S:02 E:03 Abrev.

27 days ago

Did you know that your future will be down what, in essence is one of six different pathways? (That's being generous because a couple of these could actually be the same thing!) Not to mention that the title says " 7 Directions" because one of them is "choosing not to choose" i.e. "go" nowhere. (A "choice", nonetheless.)
Have you ever sat down alone or with your crew to see what directions the future of humanity can end up? If you did, then you realized that there are countless paths that run along several MAJOR pathways so, you need to separate by them by major categories. I came up with 6 which I have here.
The BIGGER point is, we are ALL going to "have to" choose from one of these (many already have made their choice) and REAL SOON! R U READY? (It won't be obvious to most what is actually happening in the moment. The way to know is by asking yourself, will I be able to change this easily in the future should I so decide? If not, red flag!) Take a few minutes of your life to see if you're headed for a big, dark hole the way you're going. Share this if you got something out of it. I truly believe that this info can help many before it's TOO LATE!
Find the true faith and, Godspeed doing so brothers and sisters. /\ Papa Mark * Luke 12:40 };-{~
Long version including personal commentary here.

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