I Knew I Was Trans At 2 Years Old | BORN DIFFERENT

1 month ago

21-YEAR-OLD Guy was only two years old when he first expressed that he was transgender. Born anatomically female, he asked his mom Esther why he didn't have the same "male part" as one of his pre-school friends. Esther remembers making a "mental note" at that point and when Guy reached eight years old and was dressing as a tomboy, she thought he was "probably going to be a lesbian." But a few years later, Guy watched a YouTube documentary following children who were transitioning, with one of them writing a letter coming out to their parents as transgender - this was Guy's "lightbulb" moment. He immediately wrote his own letter and gave it to his mom - Esther sat down and read her son's words: "Dear mom, I am a boy. I feel like a boy trapped in a girl's body. On the inside I was always a boy and that's all I ever will be." With so many unknowns ahead, Esther remembers feeling "overwhelmed" and "scared", but she also knew that she had to "be ready for this journey with Guy." She immediately took Guy to a therapist, who suggested he use 'they/them' pronouns for a period before a referral to a clinic marked the start of a rigorous process eventually allowing him to start hormone blockers and avoid going through female puberty. When he then started testosterone at 16 years old, Guy began to see real changes in his body - as well as his voice dropping and facial hair growing, his legs became "a lot straighter and more masculine" and his jaw is now "more pronounced." But, more importantly, this medical journey culminated in Guy experiencing "very little dysphoria" and was finally happy in himself. Now, thanks to encouragement from his girlfriend, he has taken to TikTok and YouTube to tell his story and be a "voice" for future generations of children on their own gender exploration journeys. And although he faced a "backlash" online, this has only made him more determined to "spread positivity" with his message that "your identity is yours to own, yours to express - there's no right or wrong way."

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