we've been transferred into the kingdom of the Son of God's love

2 days ago

Lord Jesus, we want to live by the Son as our life in resurrection so that we may live in the kingdom of God in reality! Hallelujah, we are now in the kingdom of the Son of God's love, a realm full of life, light, and love! Amen, Lord, we love being here in the realm of life full of love and with no fear. We love You, we enjoy You, and we open to You. We call on Your name, oh Lord Jesus, and we submit to Your heavenly rule, for You rule in us in love with life and under light. Shine on us. Dispense more of Yourself into our being. We want to live by the Son as our life in resurrection so that we may enjoy Christ in the Father's love!

The full article is via, https://wp.me/p1uwEJ-g55

Hi there, welcome to this podcast! This is a portion of enjoyment from the Holy Word for Morning Revival for today on the general topic of, Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God (2024 fall ITERO - week 7, day 3). The title of this portion of enjoyment is, Live by the Son as our Life to Live in the Kingdom of the Son of God's Love today. We hope you enjoy the Lord while listening to this portion and we welcome your comments with what you have enjoyed!

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