When Scooch's buddy Bernarld got called out for missing a whopping 65 days of schoo

1 month ago

When Scooch's buddy Bernarld got called out for missing a whopping 65 days of school, it felt like we were all starring in the latest reality show! 😂📺 There he was, defending himself like he was on trial for a crime—"Your Honor, I was definitely sick… sick of homework!" 🤭 Seriously though, what could be more dramatic than watching Bernarld trying to explain how Netflix wasn't just a hobby but an educational experience? 📖 How do you even justify that kind of absence? Maybe we need to start a "Bernarld Academy" where no attendance is required! 😂🙌 #SchoolDrama #BernarldAdventures #ScoochAndFriends #SkippingSchoolLikeABoss #RealityShowVibes #HomeworkWho #EpicFail #AttendanceIsOverrated #WhereIsBernarld #SchoolBuddiesForever

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