studies - ufo - alien technology - 6.0

1 month ago

Thank you to everyone who can like and follow the channel, it will help spread this information.

Welcome to the channel.
In this video I will give the reader the opportunity to decide which subject they want to read about, just choose one from those listed below, or request a specific subject.

Due to the large amount of information that could be passed on, I am classifying some of it, which can be requested according to interest.
Attention: The numbers below do not match those in the text.

1 - The true age of the Universe.
2 - Definitions of intelligent life.
3 - The universe and intelligent life.
4 - Where can we find intelligent life in the Universe?
5 - The dance of the chemical elements.
6 - Relationships between black holes and space-time propulsion.
7 - Space-time matter induction device.
8 - Space-time propulsion and space-time matter induction.
9 - Methods for creating a proto-black hole.
10 - Notions of quantum mechanics, according to equilibrium.
11 - Conversion of dark matter into basic matter and vice versa.
12 - The relativity of time.
13 - Unraveling dark matter.
14 - Unraveling dark energy.
15 - Relationships between matter and dark energy.
16 - The hidden universe.
17 - Parallel universes.
18 - Dimensions of the Universe.
19 - Human evolution.
20 - Medical applications.
21 - Reconfiguring the Average Life Expectancy.
22 - Parallel Universe Systems.
23 - The Truth About UFOs.
24 - Who Are the Aliens?
25 - Purely Alien Technology.
26 - Overlapping Fields.
27 - Fate of the Earth and the Universe.
28 - Future of Humanity.
29 - Reverse technology.
30 - How UFOs Work.
31 - Suggestions.

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