The Trump + Musk Dance = The Antichrist-Islam Dance?

1 month ago

💭 Is Antichrist Donald Trump Now Preparing Himself?

Donald Trump said he loves Antichrist Saudi Arabia. Back in 2016, his first foreign trip as president started in Saudi Arabia, the first time a US president has chosen Saudi Barbaria as the first stop on a maiden trip. Will he make the same hellish trip to the desert of Saudi Barbaria?

💭 Someone asks, Why Trump is in The Middle of Everyting currently Unfolding??

☆ The Ark of the Covenant
☆ The Election
☆ The Vaxx
☆ Jeffrey Epstein
☆ Ties to Gates and M. Jackson
☆ Satanic rappers
☆ Satanic performers
☆ Satanic Hollywood
☆ Head Wounds
☆ Lolita Express Planes
☆ Big Pharma (hired pharma shill and homo Vance)
☆ Even movies like Back to the Future admittedly modeled after Trump
☆ Sex Accusations
☆ Hushmoney
☆ Snake Poems
☆ Apollo false idol worship
☆ Infidelity
☆ Pride

😇 Trust Jesus, not man.

በአክሱም ጽዮን ላይ (ታቦተ ጽዮንን ፍለጋ) የዘር ማጥፋት ጦርነቱ የተጀመረው ለእባቧ ግብጽ እና ለአረመኔው ግራኝ አብዮት አህመድ አጋሯ ድጋፍ ሲሰጡ የነበሩት ፕሬዝደንት ትራምፕ በአሜሪካው ፕሬዝደንታዊ ምርጫ ወቅት እንዲሸነፉ በተደረጉበት ዕለት ነበር። አጋጣሚ የሚባል ነገር የለም!

🛑 Why Is Trump in Love With The Utterly Disgusting Babylon Saudi Arabia So Much?

🛑 ለምንድነው ዶናልድ ትራምፕ እጅግ አስጸያፊ የሆነችውን ባቢሎን ሳውዲ አረቢያን ይህን ያህል የሚወዷት?

🛑 Trump's Mar-a-Lago Replica of the ARK OF THE COVENANT Has Just Been Moved to Jerusalem

🛑 Is Trump Cursed For Conspiring with Saudi Arabia & Egypt against Christian Ethiopia?

🛑ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ከሳውዲ አረቢያ እና ከግብፅ ጋር በክርስቲያን ኢትዮጵያ ላይ ስላሴሩ ተረግመዋልን?

🛑 Donald Trump's Trouble is Linked to The Biblical Ark of The Covenant and Ethiopia

🛑 የዶናልድ ትራምፕ ችግር ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱሳዊው ታቦተ ጽዮን እና ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር የተያያዘ ነው

🛑 “Deep State” Bloodbath Moves To Saudi Arabia As Trump-NSA Forces Continue Rampage
Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on November 6, 2017

🛑 Saudi Prince Alwaleed Builds Border Wall To Keep Out Syrians While Calling Candidate Donald Trump a “Disgrace” for Keeping out Syrians….
Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 15, 2015

🛑 Google Translates „Trump„ as „Descend„ / „Impeach„ in The Ethiopian Language
Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on May 18, 2017

🛑 Is President Trump Bewitched, or Influenced by The Spirit of The Antichrist?
Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on April 7, 2017

President Trump warned himself when he read to the world the infamous “Snake Lyric” Some, including me, have warned President Trump not to be cozy with Arab and Turkish snakes. We all thought President Trump would do something for the US, like save the beautiful babies, and children from the criminal abortionists and pedophiles, or protect those beautiful Christian babies from those Jihadist devils. Deep down in me something has convinced me these same Jihadists have used those chemicals with the help of the Antichrist devils from Turkey and Saudi Barbaria. They found SARIN, and their formula: SARIN = PUTIN. Of course, their eagle eyes are focused, first, on the desperately needed Qatari Gas Pipeline, and then on Orthodox Christian Russia.

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