Megaman & Megaman Powered Up- wedNESday

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We've already gone through Megaman II through VII and X through X-3. After some time away from the series it is a great time to visit the original Mega man and see Rock in his first form. The Goal is to see if we can beat it and then maybe boot into Megaman Powered Up! A game I had fun going through on my PSP until the battery exploded.

Full Schedule + Recommend Some Games:

Sunday ~ TBD
BO3 Zombies Mapping Mondays ~ TBD
Tuesday Rumble Wormfare WMD ~ 7PM ET
Nintendo wedNESday ~ 7PM ET
Project Zomboid with the Boys ~ 7PM ET
Friday ~ TBD
Sega Saturday ~ 1PM ET
SWITCH-IT-UP Saturday ~ 7PM ET

Stream may contain:
Retrogaming, Retro Games, Live Chat, NES, SNES, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, PSP, Video gaming, Gaming, Playthrough, Megaman, Rockman, Capcom Games

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