Morning Devotion - Why Hasnt Anyone Come to Tell Us

25 days ago

Morning Devotion - Why Hasnt Anyone Come to Tell Us

How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
— Romans 10:14

In the Philippines there was a tribal group in the mountains that had never heard the good news of Jesus. Some of our missionary friends learned that the chieftain, who communicated with demonic spirits, performed a yearly sacrifice and scattered blood around the community as an atonement for the bad things people had done toward each other. They believed that one day a savior would come to do away with the need for the yearly sacrifice.

An elderly woman in the tribe had told our friends all of this, and they were able to explain to her that the Savior had already come. “What is his name?” she asked. “And when did he come?”

“His name is Jesus,” they said, “and he came 2,000 years ago.”

“Then why didn’t anyone come to tell us?” she asked. There was anger in her voice; their tribe had been waiting so long. And then she and many other members of the tribe came to faith in Jesus.

In Romans 10, Paul explains that if people believe the gospel message and call on the Lord to rescue them, they will be saved. In addition, the church of Jesus needs to send messengers who will preach the good news.

Some people are still waiting to hear the good news. What is your role in the work of sharing the gospel with them?

Lord, show us how you want to use us in sharing the good news with people who have not heard. And may we serve you faithfully. Amen.

#dailyjesusdevotional #morningdevotion

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