What Was Once The Most VIBRANT Garden Now A Sad Overgrown MESS

3 days ago

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I was contacted by what I believed was a homeowner in need. He said he was seeking some major spring cleanup help. I of course told him about my YouTube channel and what I do for the community, and that I'd be willing to help him out with a FREE cleanup. After I finished the service, I gave him a call letting him know that I was done. He was very much appreciated, and said that the home will look great for the new owner. I didn't know he was an agent selling the home... Oh well. It's ok. I did what I promised to do! I don't know any information on the previous owner. But I believe with how much effort put into creating this garden environment, this was one of the most vibrant gardens on the block. I'm glad we were able to clean up this sad, overgrown mess, and turn it into something worth starting over with.

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